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Rural Solar, LLC

Private Energy Independence

Proudly Serving All of Rural Michigan

Privately owned energy generation and storage solutions designed specifically for rural and agricultural applications – not adapted from urban constraints

100% Private Ownership & Control

No power purchase agreements, no leases, no games – customers have full ownership and control of their systems to use as they wish

Why Solar, Why Now?

With most of our systems qualifying for a 30% or greater tax credit*, the time is right to reduce your dependence on liquid fuels and an aging power grid

Note From the Founder

Rural Solar, LLC was founded to not only serve the needs of rural and agricultural customers, but to leverage all of the strengths that rural living has to afford.  Advantages of land space, capabilities of individuals, and an independent spirit of resilience are factored into every one of our installations.  I believe that customers should have total ownership and control of their energy production, and our systems are designed to deliver on that principle.

Bryan Martin
Founder – Rural Solar, LLC

* Always consult a qualified tax advisor to verify eligibility